Become Young Entrepreneur YOUTH EXCHANGE, Lutomiersk, Poland - Applications closed
Extramus association is looking for the participants for the Erasmus+ project “Become Young Entrepreneur” YOUTH EXCHANGE
Applicant and implementing organization: Level up
Participating countries: Hungary, Italy, Spain, Türkiye, Greece, Poland
Number of participants: 32
Data: 9-16 of April 2024
Place: Lutomiersk, Poland (next to Łódź)
Extramus association is looking for
- 4 participants
Economic conditions
- activities, meals and accommodation are fully funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme;
- the participant must pay travel expenses in advance, to be reimbursed up to a maximum of €275.00 (travel plan needs to be accepted by the host organisation)
- participation fee: 50 euro
- no reimbursement for covid test or insurance
Participants will receive a “Youthpass” certificate describing and validating the formal and informal experience gained during the project, that can be attached to their CV.
The project infopack can be found here.
To participate, please fill in the participation form you will find on this page.
The current labour market hides many challenges for young people. Youth often lack entrepreneurial attitudes because the conditions to develop them have been lacking. Therefore, an entrepreneurial mindset is becoming a huge asset on the labour market, reducing int the same time unemployment. The aim of the youth exchange is to analyze the challenges of entrepreneurship, encourage youth to their own sustainable businesses, increase cultural awareness and improve communication skills in English.